IV Vitamin Therapy
IV vitamin therapy involves administering vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous drip. This method allows for faster absorption and can provide several benefits, including:
1. Rapid Nutrient Absorption: Immediate Availability: This means immediate availability since the nutrients bypass the digestive system, they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, allowing for quicker and more efficient delivery to cells.
2. Hydration- Replenishing Fluids: IV therapy includes an electrolyte solution that helps rehydrate the body, which is beneficial for people suffering from dehydration due to illness, excessive exercise, or alcohol consumption.
3. Boosting Energy- Enhanced Vitality: Our medical grade IV drips are formulated with a mix of B vitamins, vitamin C, and other nutrients that can help increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve overall mood.
4. Supports Immune Function- Improved Immunity: Vitamin C, and other antioxidants delivered through IV therapy can enhance immune function, potentially helping to reduce the severity or duration of colds and infections.
Our IV Vitamin Therapy Options
Perfect for anyone who trains hard. Great if you’re super active regularly as well as before or after intense physical activity like a big race or game. This medical grade vitamin IV is loaded with vitamins and minerals to super power your body!
Natural Defense
This medical grade boost of vitamins to increase immune system function is great during cold and flu season. Whether you’re feeling like you’re coming down with something, trying to recover or just prevent the circling germs from infiltrating, this potent dose of vitamin C and other nutrients is exactly what you need.
The Executive
Fight stress, mental fatigue or jet lag while improving memory and focus. This medical grade drip is great to be used on the reg for the busy professional.
Nutrients that can be found in our medical grade IV Vitamin drips
ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C)– boosts your immune system and helps fight allergies, the cold and even flu like symptoms. It also keeps your cells healthy during bacterial infections, speeding up the healing process.
- Vital for brain health
- Improves mood
- Lowers anxiety
- Helps combat depression
- Reduces fatigue
- May slow age-related cognitive decline
- Improves blood pressure
GLUTATHIONE– the most powerful antioxidant with anti-aging properties. It is capable of preventing damage to your skin and cells, having a direct impact on the way you look and feel.
- Reduces oxidative stress
- Improves skin function
- May help fight against autoimmune diseases
- May reduce the symptoms of arthritis
- Reduces symptoms of parkinson’s disease
- Improves insulin resistance in older individuals
- Increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease
THIAMINE HCL (VITAMIN B1)– maintains your nerves in optimal and healthy condition. It is used to process and obtain energy from the foods you eat by turning nutrients into usable energy
- Promotes energy production
- Protects nerves
- Helps prevent heart diseases
- Improves memory
- Stimulates production o f RBC’s
- Helps prevent alzheimer’s disease
CYANOCOBALAMIN (B12)– helps keep red blood cells and the central nervous system running in optimal condition, ensuring that the blood transports nutrients efficiently throughout the body.
- Cell repair and maintenance
- Relieves fatigue
- Prevents breast cancer
- Reduces cholesterol levels
- Improves anemia
- Helps treat alzheimer’s disease
NIACINAMIDE (B3)– assists in the functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves. It also assists in the transformation of food into energy.
- Boosts brain function
- Lowers LDL cholesterol / Increases HDL cholesterol
- Lowers triglycerides
- May help prevent heart disease
- May help treat type I diabetes
PYRIDOXINE HCL (B6)– helps strengthen the heart, prevents heart disease, improves high cholesterol. One of the most common nutritional deficiencies.
- Improves mood
- Helps treat anemia
- Helps treat high blood pressure
- Helps relieve symptoms of pms
- Maintains healthy blood vessels
- Supports brain function
- Protects eye health
- Helps prevent or reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
RIBOFLAVIN 5-PHOSPHATE (B2)– a micronutrient your body easily absorbs to keep you functioning properly all day long. It plays a key role in converting fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy.
- Mild anti-inflammatory
- Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
- Helps prevent cognitive decline
- Reduces depression
- May prevent cancer
- Protects against autoimmune disorders
DEXPANTHENOL (B5)– enhances the regeneration of skin and increases the elasticity of hair, making you look younger and brighter
- Anti-inflammatory
- Helps prevent hair loss
- Helps keep skin healthy
- Aids in metabolism
- Helps reduce stress
- Essential for liver function
- Helps treat respiratory problems
PROLINE– an essential component of collagen, and therefore is vital for proper functioning of joints and tendons. This amino acid also helps maintain and strengthen heart muscles
- Helps heal wounds and repair skin
- Contributes to a healthy metabolism
- Helps fight inflammation
- Helps prevent joint pain
- Supports the cardiovascular system
- Supports digestive health
GLUTAMINE– acts as a fuel source for muscles under intense pressure, preventing them from breaking down. Glutamine also gives you more stamina to finish an intense workout and recover properly.
- Helps prevent and repair leaky gut
- Supports the immune system against infections
- Helps with surgery recovery
- Improves gut flow
- Decreases side effects of chemotherapy
LYSINE HCL– is a rare amino acid that acts as a building block for proteins, making it vital for your whole body to function properly. It is not made by our bodies, so needs to be supplemented.
- Acts as an anti-viral
- Helps form collagen
- Helps reduce anxiety
- Increases bone strength
- Improves the function of the heart
- Increases insulin secretion and lowers blood glucose
MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE– is a mineral that your cells, nerves, muscles, bones and heart need to be healthy and strong. It also improves metabolism and nutrient absorption
- Helps increase energy
- Calms nerves and anxiety
- Helps treat migraine headaches
- Helps treat insomnia and helps you fall asleep
- Relieves muscle aches and spasms
- Helps with digestion by relieving constipation
- Important for heart health
ARGININE– can be used to help with the symptoms of: colds, high blood pressure, migraines, congestive heart failure, male infertility/ED and sexual dysfunction in women.
- Improve the immune system
- Improve athletic performance
- Faster recovery after surgery
- Reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow
- Reduce risk of heart disease and type II diabetes
- Reduces anxiety
- Improves stamina
CALCIUM GLUCONATE– a mineral that keeps your bones, muscles, teeth and nerves strong. It also has an important role in preventing diseases like obesity and colon cancer.
- Reduction of some symptoms of PMS
- Normal functioning of enzyme and hormone secretion
- Slowing of teeth decay