Corporate Massage
Trend Towards Health and Happy Employees
Employers have rapidly begun to understand the importance of stress relief in the workplace. The positive effects of on-site chair Massage Therapy sessions as part of a wellness program have become common place. It is a safe, convenient perk that boosts employee morale and provides valuable health benefits. On-site Massage Therapy does not require a private room, and can be offered at the workstation , in a conference room or any break space. Performed on a portable Massage Therapy chair, the length of the Massage Therapy can range from 5 to 25 minutes, therefore, can be worked into an employee’s work break. During the Massage Therapy, the recipient is seated and fully clothed. No oil is used, therefore, no change in attire is necessary. Consider an on-going program to achieve long term results and a more positive work environment.
Corporate Massage Therapy
Stress free employees have a higher rate of productivity and a higher retention rate. Given these facts, many corporations are encouraging chair Massage Therapy in the workplace. On-site chair Massage Therapy is available to all sizes and types of business, from small offices to large corporations. The Massage Therapy therapist uses techniques to focus on the neck, head, shoulders, back and arms, the areas so common to holding on to tension and stress. Whether your company uses chair Massage Therapy as a benefits package, part of an incentive program, or just as an optional perk, chair Massage Therapy can be an asset to your company and the health of your employeesand types of business, from small offices to large corporations. The Massage Therapy therapist uses techniques to focus on the neck, head, shoulders, back and arms, the areas so common to holding on to tension and stress. Whether your company uses chair Massage Therapy as a benefits package, part of an incentive program, or just as an optional perk, chair Massage Therapy can be an asset to your company and the health of your employees.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy can do wonders for your body, your mental state, sense of well-being and happiness. Reduce stress on your team while boosting energy and productivity during break time. Chair Massage Therapy is better than a coffee break! Increase company morale and pride by rewarding performance and reinforcing the message that you value your employee’s health and wellness.
Research has shown:
Increases job satisfaction
Improves employee morale
Decreases sick days
Lowers stress
Improves decision making
Reduces pain/tension associated with stress